Looking for a fun game to run with volleyball campers this summer? Try Ship to Shore, a great warm-up activity that gets all volleyball players moving and ready for a day of learning!
This game can be played in any open space like a field of grass or a gymnasium. All you have to do is identify the ship and shore with some cones, rocks, or other easy-to-see markers.
Ship to Shore: Game Rules
Ship to Shore is just like the childhood game of Simon Says. One person (usually a coach or other camp helper) is giving one of the commands from the list below that the campers must follow.
If a camper does not follow the command correctly or, for some of the commands, does not find enough people to complete the command, they are “out”.
Eliminated players can do warm-up exercises, volleyball skills, or can sit out for a set amount of time and then rejoin the game.
Play continues until there is only one person left. Here are some variations you can use for commands.
Ship to Shore Game Variations and Commands:
Ship | 1 person action
All campers run towards the "ship" — one wall of the gym or field that’s designated at the start of the game.
Shore | 1 person action
All campers run towards the "shore" — the opposite end of the gym or field that’s designated at the start of the game.
Man Overboard | 2 person action
One camper gets down on their hands and knees. The other camper gently places one foot on the other camper and shades their eyes to look out for the "man overboard".
Crow's Nest | 2 person action
One camper puts their arms around another camper in a big circle (called the "crow's nest").
Captain is Coming | 1 person action
Each camper stands at attention and must salute. Campers cannot move from attention until the coach calls "At ease!," even if the coach calls out another command beforehand. If a player moves, they are out.
Hit the Deck | 1 person action
All campers lay down on their stomachs.
Row Boat | 3 person action
Three campers get together in a line and sit down. They must act like they are rowing a boat while they sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat".
Octopus | 1 person action
Campers must lay on their backs with their arms and feet flailing in the air.
Additional Volleyball Games, Warm-Ups and Drills
Looking for more ways to get your volleyball campers warmed up? Check out our library of volleyball coaching tips or take a look at specific warm up drills like the Short-hop Serving Warm Up or Around the World Drill.