Terry Liskevych, John Dunning and Russ Rose, the founders of The Art of Coaching, are offering a new volleyball consulting service for schools, clubs and businesses. With their extensive experience leading successful programs at all levels of the game, the AOCVB founders are uniquely qualified to provide in-depth guidance on a broad range of subjects, including:
- Skill training
- Tactics
- Practice planning
- Game preparation
- Physical training
- Problem-solving
- Organization
- Coaching methodology
- Marketing
- Recruiting
- Business management
The AOCVB founders are also available to speak at business workshops and seminars on leadership, motivation and team culture. Russ, John or Terry will consult on your preferred platform: video chat, phone, text, email or in person.
If you’re interested in learning more about this service, please use the form at the bottom of this page to reach out.
From the founders:

“I think it’s very important in any profession – and certainly in coaching – to have people who aren’t part of your everyday team who you can talk to, learn from, bounce ideas off of and get feedback from that might be different from what you’re hearing every day. Our goal with the Founders’ Consulting Service is to give people the option of speaking directly with coaches who have more than four decades of hands-on experience. In my case, I’ve coached high school teams, club from ages 12-and-under to 18, a high level of college, and I am currently coaching a club team. I welcome the opportunity to share my thoughts with those who value collaborative learning as much as I do.” – John Dunning
“We can help minimize your dead ends. Russ, John and I have often had to navigate by trial and error to identify what works and what does not work in developing and maintaining our programs, and we would like to share what we have learned with you.” – Terry Liskevych
“On my coaching journey, I always looked for people who I could bounce things off of and asked them for their opinions. I had my own vision for the game and benefited from having a cadre of individuals who had the ability and willingness to share their experiences. Through our years in the game, we can provide multiple ways to assist coaches in developing their teams.” – Russ Rose
Contact the Founders' Consulting Service
*Consulting service fees will be discussed and arranged by the consulting coach.