This 4-step progression exercise develops the force of the hips. It's ideal for athletes who rotate their bodies while playing their sport and a great warm-up before practice or weight workouts.
Progression 1: Bird Dog
Start on the hands and knees, using a mat or cushion to protect the knees. Place the palms on the ground, locking the arms under the shoulders. Extend the right leg backward 6-12 inches off the ground. Lock the glute while keeping the core strong. Hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Do 1-2 sets of 5 reps each.
Progression 2: Hip Airplane
Assume the same position as described in Progression 1. After extending the leg backward, rotate the leg and hip toward the ceiling. Tighten the core and keep the leg locked and straight. Hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Do 1-2 sets of 5 reps each.
Progression 3: Standing Position
Begin in a standing position. While holding on to a pole, wall or foam roller, lower the upper body toward the floor while raising the right leg off the ground. Lock the leg and tighten the glute at the same time. Rotate the right leg and hip toward the ceiling. Hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Do 1-2 sets of 5 reps each.
Progression 4: Body Weight With No Assistance
Begin in a standing position, crossing the arms against the chest. Repeat the same movement as in Progression 3, but do NOT use a stability aid. Hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Do 1-2 sets of 5 reps each.