Attacking and offensive systems are a critical part of a team's success, and get more advanced as the level of play increases. Attacks are different based on set tempo and location.
Basic level attacks:
- The Four: To left front. High and lofty.
- The Five: To the right front, high and lofty.
- The Two: High to the middle hitter.
Higher level options include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Go: To the left front attacker, faster set.
- Red: To the right front attacker, faster set.
- Sets to the middle hitters: The "one", the slide, the 32, the "back one".
- Back row attacks: Sets to the back row players behind the 10-foot line.
A common offensive technique is overloading zones, or creating a one-on-one situation for your dominant attacker by loading the other attackers on the other side of the court.