At __________________ club, we believe the active inclusion of our parent group through various volunteer opportunities at the team and club levels helps ensure a successful and enjoyable season for all involved. We also believe this commitment will contribute to the longevity of the club, so we see your involvement as essential.
This organizational structure allows our coaches to focus on coaching and the management team to administrate and coordinate within their team, the club and with other clubs. Your expertise and time to help with this is critical to each team’s success.
The volunteer roles below are guidelines but may not include all team needs. Please edit to best fit your team.
- Main team contact for club and head coach.
- Coordination of management team for all things TEAM and CLUB related.
- Liaison between club management, coaches and team parents.
- Compile contact list and distribute.
- Coordinate and oversee team volunteers for club event requirements.
- Collect all necessary forms and fees for team/club.
- Work with coach to ensure that weekly updates with the team’s schedule are distributed.
- Coordinate/implement any other club or coaches’ requests.
- Determine how team will be fed and how costs will be apportioned for food (cash call, per weekend two families).
- Coordinate parents to provide nutritionally sound meals/snacks for athletes and coaches for all tournaments, exhibition games or team social time.
- Work with travel coordinator to ensure all out of town tournaments have at least two parents providing food.
- Ensure hotels have a room for feeding athletes and book if necessary.
- Search out options for team meals and book restaurants and/or catering for hotel meals when the team is traveling out of the country or province.
TRAVEL COORDINATOR (flights, hotels, ground transportation)
All hotels, ground transportation and flights will be booked through _______________________ (club administration or travel agent).
Your responsibility is to ensure the following:
Away competitions in country:
- Pick up check from bookkeeper and then arrange for the check that will pay the hotel bill to be taken to the hotel by either you or your head coach.
- Coordinate with the coach to establish a travel binder for the team that includes any pertinent travel information, including the following: transportation info (flight, vans, bus), hotels info, meal/restaurant info/reservations, contact info sheet, health care info and any other medical info.
- Coordinate with coaches to ensure hotel room lists are sent to agent on time.
- If applicable, assist in planning off-court activities with coaching staff.
- Budget, book and collect money for these extra activities and expenses.
Out of country:
- In addition to above duties, ensure that notarized letters for customs and copies of passports are included in travel binder.
- Ensure that athletes have out-of-country insurance and that this coverage info is in the travel binder.
- Coordinate with food person to ensure that meals/snacks are planned and reserved.
Extra tournaments:
- Your role is to budget, plan, coordinate and book team into any extra tournaments, then coordinate with the team manager to collect money to pay for the extra competition.
- Budget considerations: Registration fee, transportation, hotel, food and activities, coach’s costs.
- The club administrator is there to assist this process.
- Work with food and extra training coordinators (see below).
Plan and coordinate with the coach.
- On head coach’s request, seek out or research relevant opportunities to compete/train. This includes extra tournaments and exhibition games.
- Communicate and coordinate with coaching staff, travel and food coordinators; disseminate information t0 athletes and families.
- Budget and coordinate money collection with the team manager.
Club fundraising
- Work with a committee run by the club fundraising administrators to implement a fundraising strategy, which may include events like ___________________________.
Personal fundraising
- Coordinate the implementation of club-directed fundraising efforts for personal fundraising options like _____________ (grocery gift cards) and any team initiated personal/team fundraising initiatives like __________ (Coco Brooks, Purdy's Chocolates).
- Coordinate weekly competition/training updates for the team.
- Responsible for collecting or taking team pictures and writing short reviews with highlights from weekend competitions. These regular weekly updates should be sent by Monday at midnight to the web master ____________ at _____________ (email). Include team details that are interesting and noteworthy.
Club level
- This volunteer is part of the coordinating committee for club social events, including ___________ (welcome event, fundraising event, windup event.)
Team level
- Coordinate team’s functions both in town and out of town. Works with travel coordinator to ensure social activities are planned.
- Coordinate pickup and return of all team equipment from club coordinator.
- Responsible for pickup and return of team jerseys from club uniform coordinator.
- Works with club uniform coordinator to purchase club gear for the team. If required, helps volunteers plan a uniform fitting day.
- Ensures the medical kit is stocked.
- Ensures equipment is in working order throughout the season and communicates with club equipment & uniform coordinators regarding equipment/gear that needs to be replaced.
End of Season
- Within a week of the last competition, connect with club equipment & uniform coordinators to arrange for return of ALL equipment and club jerseys. (All items should be washed and hung.)
- Provide a list of missing equipment and payment for this equipment to the club coordinator. Return all other equipment and jerseys to the respective club coordinator with a list of necessary replacement requirements.
Written by Shauna Denney, Former Director of 403 Selects Volleyball Club in Alberta, Canada