This 3 v 3 drill, introduced by Tod Mattox, focuses on controlled digging and back-row swings.
The drill begins with a player or coach “bowling” the ball over the net to the other team. Only two contacts are allowed, and since the focus is back-row hits, the digger must get the ball up high, around the 10-foot line, so the hitter has time to approach and jump hard. The team that wins the point stays on the court and rotates positions; the losing team exits.
One point of emphasis: Players should go into hitting preparation mode immediately after determining that the first ball isn’t coming to them. By moving early into a position where they can get a solid approach and a good jump, they increase the chances of putting the ball where they want it.
Variation: If one team can force the other team to give them a free ball, they can set on the net rather than setting behind the 10-foot line.
Another of Mattox’s favorite training drills is Kamikaze, which is 4 v 4 and rewards teams for precision line or angle hits.